Lesson No. | Prerequisites | Topic |
01 | None | Numbers From 1 to 100 |
02 | Numbers from 1 to 100 | One More, One Less |
03 | One More, One Less | Greater Than, Less Than, and As Many As |
04 | Numbers from 1 to 100 | Reading and Writing Numbers Up to 100 |
05 | None | Place Value and Value |
06 | “Visualize and Represent Numbers Reading and Writing Numbers” | Ordinal Numbers |
07 | None | Comparing and Ordering Numbers Up to 100 |
08 | None | Recognize and Compare coins and bills up to 1000 |
09 | None | Concept of Addition |
10 | Concept of Addition | Adding Two-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping |
11 | Concept of Addition | Adding Two-Digit Numbers With Regrouping |
12 | Concept of Addition | Properties of Addition |
13 | None | Subtraction Concepts |
14 | Subtraction Concepts | Subtracting within 100 without Regrouping |
15 | Subtraction Concepts | Subtracting within 100 with Regrouping |
16 | Addition and Subtraction Concepts | Addition and Subtraction are Parts of a Family |
17 | Addition and Subtraction Concepts | Multiplication as Repeated Addition |
18 | Addition and Subtraction Concepts | Properties of Multiplication |
19 | Multiplication | Multiplication Facts of 2, 5, and 10 |
20 | Multiplication | Multiplication Facts of 3 and 4 |
21 | Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication Concepts | Concept of Division |
22 | Multiplication | Division as Opposite of Multiplication |
23 | None | Simple Fractions |
24 | Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division | Odd and Even Numbers |
25 | None | More on Basic 2D Shapes |
26 | 2D Shapes | Identifying Common 3D Figures |
27 | None | Telling Time |
28 | Telling Time | Days of the Week |
29 | Days of the Week | Months of the Year |
30 | None | Measurement of Mass |
31 | 2D Shapes | Area Measurement |
32 | None | Predicting Outcomes |
Lesson No. | Prerequisites | Topic |
01 | None | Numbers Up to 1,000 |
02 | None | Reading and Writing Numbers Up to 1,000 |
03 | None | Comparing and Ordering Numbers |
04 | None | Ordinal Numbers |
05 | None | Counting Money |
06 | None | Properties of Addition |
07 | Addition (1 digit) | Adding 2- to 3- Digit Numbers |
08 | None | Adding 2- to 3- Digit Numbers With Regrouping |
09 | Addition | Subtraction |
10 | Understanding Subtraction Facts | Subtracting 2- to 3-Digit Numbers |
11 | Understanding Subtraction Facts | Subtracting 2- to 3-Digit Numbers With Regrouping |
12 | Subtraction With and Without Regrouping | Subtracting Numbers with Zero Difficulty |
13 | Addition Concept | Multiplication as Repeated Addition |
14 | Multiplication | Properties of Multiplication |
15 | Multiplication | Multiplication by 2, 5 and 10 |
16 | Multiplication | Multiplication by 3, 4, and 6 |
17 | Multiplication | Multiplying 2- to 3-Digit Numbers by a 1-Digit Number With and Without Regrouping |
18 | Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication | Concepts of Division |
19 | Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division | Multiplication and Division Relationship |
20 | Fractions | Reviewing Simple Fractions |
21 | Concepts of Fraction | Identifying Fifths, Sixths, and Eighths |
22 | Fractions | Comparing Fractions |
23 | Fractions | Ordering Fractions |
24 | Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division | Odd and Even Numbers |
25 | None | Identifying Common 2D Shapes |
26 | 2D Shapes | Discovering 3D Figures |
27 | None | Months and Days |
28 | None | Measuring Time |
29 | Number Counting | Measuring Lengths |
30 | None | Measuring in Kilograms |
31 | 2D Shapes | Measuring Areas |
32 | “Mathematical Operations Area” | Perimeter |
Lesson No. | Prerequisites | Topic |
01 | None | Reading and Writing Numbers Up to Hundred Thousands |
02 | Reading and Writing Numbers Up to Hundred Thousands | Comparing and Ordering Numbers |
03 | None | Rounding Numbers |
04 | None | Properties of Addition |
05 | None | Adding Whole Numbers With and Without Regrouping |
06 | None | Subtracting Whole Numbers With and Without Regrouping |
07 | Multiplication of Numbers | Properties of Multiplication |
08 | None | Multiplying by One-Digit numbers With and Without Regrouping |
09 | None | Multiplying by 2-Digit Numbers With And Without Regrouping |
10 | Other Mathematical Operations – Subtraction and Multiplication | Dividing 2 to 4-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Divisors Without Remainder |
11 | Other Mathematical Operations – Subtraction and Multiplication | Dividing 2- to 4-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Divisors with Remaninder |
12 | Other Mathematical Operations – Subtraction and Multiplication | Dividing 2- to 5-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Divisors with and without Remainder |
13 | Other Mathematical Operations – Subtraction and Multiplication | Order of Operations |
14 | Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division | Odd and Even Numbers |
15 | Multiplication Concepts | Multiples of 1- and 2-Digit Numbers |
16 | None | Concept of Fractions |
17 | Concept of Fractions | Equivalent Fractions Comparing and Ordering Fractions |
18 | Concept of Fractions | Fractions in Lowest Terms |
19 | Place Values | Place Value and Value of Decimals Comparing and Ordering Decimals |
20 | Place Values | Adding and Subtracting Decimals |
21 | None | Points and Lines |
22 | None | Angles |
23 | Shapes | Planes and Space Figures |
24 | None | Telling Time and Duration |
25 | Telling Time and Duration | Conversion of Time Measurements |
26 | None | Measuring Lengths |
27 | Measures of Length | Perimeter |
28 | Mathematical Operations | Area |
29 | Mathematical Operations | Measuring Mass |
30 | None | Measurement of Capacity |
31 | None | Collecting and Interpreting Data |
32 | Organizing Data | Reading and Interpreting Data from Bar Graphs |
Lesson No. | Prerequisites | Topic |
01 | None | Reading and Writing Numbers Through Ten Millions |
02 | Reading and Writing Numbers Through Ten Millions | Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers |
03 | None | Rounding Off Whole Numbers |
04 | Adding Two-Digit Numbers With and Without Regrouping | Adding and Subtracting Large Numbers |
05 | Multiplication as Repeated Addition | Properties of Multiplication |
06 | None | Multiplying by one- to three-digit numbers |
07 | Division of whole numbers | Quotient and Remainder |
08 | Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and Exponentiation | Order of Operations |
09 | Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Multiplication, and Division | Prime and Composite Numbers |
10 | Prime and Composite Numbers, Factors, Multiplication, and Division | Prime Factorization |
11 | Prime and Composite Numbers | The Greatest Common Factor |
12 | Factors, Multiples, Multipication, and Division | Least Common Multiple |
13 | Multiplication and Division | Fractions |
14 | Concept of Fractions | Equivalent Fractions Comparing and Ordering Fractions |
15 | Concept of Fractions | Adding and Subtracting Similar Fractions and Mixed Numbers |
16 | Concept of Fractions and LCM | “Adding and Subtracting Dissimilar Fractions Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Dissimilar Fractions” |
17 | Concept of Fractions and Multiplication | Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers |
18 | Multiplying Fractions | Dividing Fractions |
19 | Concept of Whole Numbers | Decimals |
20 | Concept of Decimals | Rounding Off Decimals |
21 | Concept of Decimals | Adding and Subtracting Decimals |
22 | Concept of Decimals | Multiplying Decimals |
23 | Basic Operations on Decimals | Dividing Decimals |
24 | Geometric Figures | Polygons |
25 | None | Basic Geometric Ideas |
26 | Geometric Concepts | Kinds of Lines and Angles |
27 | Geometric Concepts | Perimeter |
28 | Geometric Concepts | Area |
29 | None | Circle |
30 | Geometric Figures | Volume |
31 | None | Capacity and Mass Measurement |
32 | None | Tables and Bar Graphs |
Lesson No. | Prerequisites | Topic |
01 | None | Numbers Up to Billions |
02 | Place Value | Rounding Off Numbers up to Billions |
03 | None | Addition and Subtraction Made Easy |
04 | Multiplication as Repeated Addition | Multiplication of Whole Numbers |
05 | Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication | Division of Whole Numbers |
06 | None | Order of Operations |
07 | Multiplication and Division | Multiples, Factors and Divisibility Rules |
08 | Multiples and Factors | Prime and Composite Numbers and Prime Factorization |
09 | Multiplication and Division, Multiples and Factors | Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple |
10 | Multiplication and GCF | Concept of Fractions |
11 | Concept of Fractions, GCF, and LCM | Addition and Subtraction of Fractions |
12 | Concept of Fractions, Multiplication, and Division | Multiplication and Division of Fractions |
13 | Whole numbers and Fractions | Working with Decimals |
14 | Concept of Decimals | Addition and Subtraction of Decimals |
15 | Concept of Decimals | Multiplication of Decimals |
16 | Multiplication of Decimals and Concept of Decimals | Division of Decimals |
17 | Concept of Fractions | Ratio |
18 | Ratio | Proportion |
19 | Concept of Whole Numbers | Converting Between Percent, Fractions, and Decimals |
20 | Converting Percent to Decimal and Vice Versa | Percent Problems |
21 | None | Geometric Figures |
22 | Geometric Figures | Interior Angles of Polygons |
23 | Geometric Figures | Congruence and Similarity |
24 | Geometric Concepts | Solid Figures |
25 | None | Perimeter and Circumference of Geometric Figures |
26 | Geometric Concepts | Areas of Plane Figures |
27 | Area of Geometric Figures | Surface Areas of Solid Figures |
28 | Geometric Figures | Volume of Solid Figures |
29 | None | Measuring Time |
30 | None | Temperature |
31 | None | Graphs |
32 | None | Experimental Probability |
Lesson No. | Prerequisites | Topic |
01 | None | Order of Operations |
02 | Decimals | Exponential Notation and Scientific Notation |
03 | Exponents | Factors, Multiples and Prime Factorization |
04 | Multiplication and Division | Divisibility Rules, GCF and LCM |
05 | Divisibility Rules, GCF, and LCM | Addition and Subtraction of Fractions |
06 | Simplifying Fractions Mixed Fractions to Improper Fractions | Multiplication and Division of Fractions |
07 | 4 basic operations | Operations on Decimals |
08 | Fractions and GCF | Ratio |
09 | Ratio and Rate | Special Ratios: Speed and Density |
10 | Ratio | Proportion |
11 | Fractions and Decimals | Changing Percent to Decimal, Fraction, and Vice Versa |
12 | Convert Whole Numbers to Decimals and Vice Versa | Percentage, Rate, and Base |
13 | Percentage, Base, and Rate | Markup and Discount |
14 | Percentage | Commission and Sales Tax |
15 | Percentage | Simple Interest |
16 | Multiplication of Whole Numbers (Exponentiation) Simple Interest | Compounded Interest |
17 | Real Number System | Addition and Subtraction of Integers |
18 | Concept of Integers | Multiplication and Division of Integers |
19 | None | Geometric Figures |
20 | Geometric Figures | Perimeter and Circumference of Geometric Figures |
21 | Geometric Figures | Area of Geometric Figures |
22 | Area of Geometric Figures | Solid Figures and Surface Area |
23 | Geometric Figures | Volume of Solid Figures |
24 | None | Electric and Water Meter Reading |
25 | None | Statistics – Frequency Table |
26 | Statistical Data and Frequency | Statistics – Graphs |
27 | Frequency of Data | Statistics – Mean, Median, Mode, and Range |
28 | None | Probability – Possible Outcomes |
29 | Possible Outcomes | Simple Probability |
30 | None | Patterns and Sequences |
31 | None | Introduction to Algebra |
32 | Concepts about Algebraic Expressions | Simplifying Algebraic Expressions |